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Register new activities in Audit

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I was wondering if I can extend the Audit section to support additional events. I am thinking specifically about a change of workflow status, for example.

Is this possible?

Thank you,


Morten Snedker Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Snedker

Hi Adrian,

Are you referring to the change of an order flow in Settings > Ecommerce > Orders > Order flows, or somewhere else?


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Morten,

No. There is a section called "Audit" in Settings.

This section records a lot of activities performed by users through the interface. Usually Content editing or product documentation.

We would like to capture a few other events in this section in order to make it easy for admins to export reports from here.

I hope it makes sense.

Thank you,

Morten Snedker Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Snedker

You mentioned workflow state, so I figured you needed to audit changes in this specific area. But if it was just an example of many, there is a Auditing namespace and an AuditService you may take use of:

Dynamicweb.Auditing.AuditService auditService = new Dynamicweb.Auditing.AuditService();

However, you need to activate it where you see fit. A common use could be some given notification (which is why I asked where in the system you needed to take use of it). 

I hope the above clarifies it a bit. Otherwise, please elaborate.


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Morten,

It is good enough for now as a starting point.

i have mentioned WorkflowState becuase I want to capture in this Audit the changes of the WorkflowState.

Thank you,


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