Hi Dynamicweb,
I have a small change request for redirecting users on login when the redirect page is set on the user group. Right now it tries to redirect to the url set on the first group from the user no matter this actually has a redirecturl;
cb = New CommandBuilder() With cb .Add("SELECT [AccessUser].[AccessUserRedirectOnLogin]") .Add("FROM [AccessUser]") .Add("WHERE ( [AccessUser].[AccessUserID] IN ({0}) )", Base.ChkNumber(DW_extranet_groups.Item(0).ToString)) End With
Can this be changed to something like this:
cb = New CommandBuilder() With cb .Add("SELECT TOP 1 [AccessUser].[AccessUserRedirectOnLogin]") .Add("FROM [AccessUser]") .Add("WHERE ( [AccessUser].[AccessUserID] IN ({0}) ) AND AccessUserRedirectOnLogin <>'' ", String.Join(", ", DW_extranet_groups)) End With
Where it tries for fetch with first group with a redirect url set and not just the first group.
Best regards, Anders