I think i found a bug in how the extranet and the newsletterv3 handles creation of groups.
If you create a Group from the Newsletterv3 interface this group will show in the extranet / user management module under the "newsletterv3 Categories"
But if you do it the other way around and create a group under "Newsletterv3 categories" in the user management module this group will not appear in the interface of Newsletterv3.
I can't seem to find the relation in any of the Newsletterv3 tables. The only difference i could find if i looked on the AccessUser of the group i created was that the one created from the Newsletter was user type 11 and the other user type 2. This is also a bit odd cause i though that the user type 11 was supposed not to be used anymore in the >7 versions of Dynamicweb.
I would like to know if this is a bug. I’m currently importing some users into the database(console app), and I want to be 100% sure that I get the relation correct in newsletterv3 so that our client can send out newsletters.
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