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News regarding Service Release




I have just read DWs news statement on the Partner Extranet regarding the Service Release which was released Tuesday.


GREAT job on the description of the fixed errors in the Service Release, guys!!!!!!!!


This is EXACTLY what we need!


Now, is it possible to make a Version Log, where you can track fixed errors in each Version number? This could be a great tool for looking up which version a customer has and then view fixed errors since that version :) Could any of you other partners find such a feature useful??



On behalf of the dev and release crew I'd like to thank you for the compliments.


At present release numbers like SR2008-1are only related to a range of features and fixed released on the same time and not to an actual build. The build number is registered elsewhere and is not accessible to users. And finally, the build number is not repeated in the assembly versions.


Others have requested the continuity between builds and assemblies, so I wouldn't be surprised if that happened all of a sudden.


As to the version log question, it makes sence to keep track of what fixes have been made in a particular release, and you use this as an argument for customers to update their applications, but do keep in mind that we only support the latest build.


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