I am having some issues trying to load a ProductCollection via the ecommerce api.
See below for the current 3 issues i am having.
1: sorting issue, GroupProductRelationSorting is not in the field list. This breaks the function to able to sort on UserDefined.
2: Group language issue, if a group is translated in multiple languages this results in duplicate products because of these relations. The sql query should also filter on the group languageid.
3: caching issue, products are cached for no apparent reason. For example when changing the productname this is not visible in this collection.
It looks like this cache is never refreshed until the application pool recycles.
There is a work around by setting Group.Products=null before iterating the Group.Products collection then it gets refreshed
Are there other or better way to load a ProductCollection based on a groupid?
Can a dev confirm these issues and get them fixed where needed?