Posted on 08/07/2014 09:59:41
Hi Morten
That is Dynamicweb.Security.IsCurrentUserAllowed( that takes care of that check. But it is not public.
Using the Notifications.Standard.Page.OnOutput notification, you can check if Pageview.Current.GlobalTags contains a tag called Global:Page.IsProtected - it is "True" if the page is protected - string.empty if it is not protected. If the user logs in and has access it will be empty also.
I've made Dynamicweb.Security.IsCurrentUserAllowed( public for 8.5
You can use Pageview.Current.User.Groups and check against the list found in Pageview.Current.Page.Value("Pagepermission") - the latter a CSV list. If it is found, the user has access.