Is there any way to get all products in the database using the product service from Dynamicweb.Ecommerce DLL.
I have checked it and it seems that all versions of GetAllProducts will in the end reach a method in the repository that would filter out products based on these settings in global settings:
- /Globalsettings/Ecom/Product/DontShowProductIfNotOnStock
- /Globalsettings/Ecom/Product/DontShowProductIfHasNoPrice
- /Globalsettings/Ecom/Product/DontAllowLinksToProductIfNotActive
I understand why it would do that, but is there any option to get all products from a shop, languageId or similar, where it doesn't take these settings into account. Or maybe make it optional if you want these settings to be considered or not.
DW version 9.10.13. Dynamicweb.Ecommerce version 1.10.87
BR Chris