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Generate Create Table sql


Hi is it possible to generate an sql file to create tables in another database from the ms sqladmin interface?


I dont need the data , just the structure of the tables.


- Sune



Sure, right click the table and choose "Script Table as" -> "CREATE to" -> "New Query Editor Window".

Thanks. However I need it in the online interface at Is there any possiblilty of making the same action there or backing up the DB and then doing it locally?
I also have the very same tables in an Access Database if its possible to do it from there?

- Sune



Sure, you can script your back up, but it would be placed on the SQL server, which there's no access to, so I wouldn't recommend it.


You could upsize the Access database, but that won't make any CREATE TABLE scripts until you right click the newly created tables as explained previously.


I would recommend to contact our support team through heldesk and have them supply you with a backup file.


Ok perhaps I'll try that




- Sune


No problem


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