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Edit profile via authentication provider

Tom Nielsen


I have implemented an external authentication provider in Dynamicweb 9.8.6, to Azure. Login works fine.

The trouble arises when I attempt to use an Edit-Profile or attempt to handle Forgotton-Password.
Having done a TemplateTags in Extranet and UserManagement, I can't seem to find a link or function to edit-profile or handle forgotton-password, though authentcation provider.

My question is; Is this possible? And if so, how is this done?


Kind regards


Tom Arnfeldt Nielsen



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Tom

I guess you mean ExternalLoginProvider?

It only handles the login process to ensure that you authenticate in DW when you have successfully authenticated on the provider.

You can do whatever you need in order to modify the profile or login credentials using your endpoints API. You do not need a DW provider for that since we would not store passwords or profile information on the user - it exists in the external provider.

Tom Nielsen


Yes, I meant ExternalLoginProvider :-)

Thank you.

Best regards


Tom Arnfeldt Nielsen


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