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Ecom Reorder orderlinefieldvalues

Hi All,

I have an issue with the Customer Center. When using the reorderfunction(ie. url has  "&ReorderID=ORDER3112" in it), the orderlines do get copied to the new order, including variantinformation, but important information stored in orderlinefields does not.

The original information in the database could look like this:
< OrderLineFieldValueCollection >
< OrderLineFieldValue >< OrderLineFieldSystemName >AX< /OrderLineFieldSystemName >< Value >90< /Value>< /OrderLineFieldValue >
< /OrderLineFieldValueCollection>

But unfortunatly the reordered line has:

< OrderLineFieldValueCollection />

I want to include the original information on the new orderline.

I could make the CustomerCenter format a form to create products with the relevant settings, but since everything else works so nicely I would like to avoid this.

Any suggestions?




 Hi Steen,
I have checked and "order line fields" are not copied.
You may to try to use next trick:
1. Use notification Notifications.eCommerce.Cart.Line.Added
2. Check parameter "ReorderID" in request
3. And manually copy "order line fields" from old order in new order


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