I'm trying to figure out how to resize every productimage in a shop to either a defined max-width or max-height so every image will fit into the same box without cropping the image or changing the aspect ratio.
Target box size:
Max-width: 150px
Max-height: 100px
Original image 1:
Orig-width: 500px (will be resized to 150px = max-width)
Orig-height: 300px (will be resized to 90 px, since the aspect ration should be maintained)
Original Image 2:
Orig-width: 200px (will be resized to 67px, maintain aspect)
Orig-height: 300px (will be resized to 100px = max-height)
Is this possible with the ../Public/GetImage.aspx?Image=%2fFiles%2fBilleder%2f[ImageName]&Width=[pixels]&Height=[pixels]
. way or are there any other ways of doing this?