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Custom orderline fields on a group when using Import

Mikkel Høst

I can't seem to find where I can set in the Import that I want some custom orderline fields set on a product group.
Basically what I want is 3 custom orderline fields to be present on all products. Therefor I need to add the custom orderline fields to my main groups and make all sub groups inherit these. The inherit part is standard set to 1 but I don’t know how to set the main group to use these orderlines in the import.
Any help?


Morten Snedker
 Hi Mikkel,

When using the import module for this import, the behaviour you request is not supported as standard.

However, you have the possibility to simply add the extra columns to the XML, and then write your own group import activity that will handle this extra information. More information on this here:

Regards /Snedker
Mikkel Høst
 Thanks for the answer
Morten Snedker
 You're welcome. 

And PS: not long after the holidays we will introduce a brand new import module to replace the old. This new module will be able to handle what you're asking for.



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