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custom order fields




We were trying to get this new eCom feature to work, but are having some troubles with it.


I can get the input fields to display in step 1 of the cart, but they are never submited. I cannot call them in step 4 or step 6. I noticed there are 2 loops (Produt and Order) to get them, but one is always empty.


Any ideas?




I assume you're talking about OrderLineFields and not OrderFields which is a new feature in the 2008-3 package? There is a new set of standard templates you can use for this. Please check them out. It's much easier than explaining the implementation here:) The fields can be filled both when adding a product to the basket and on step 1 when modifying the basket content.

Sorensen wrote:

I assume you're talking about OrderLineFields and not OrderFields which is a new feature in the 2008-3 package? There is a new set of standard templates you can use for this. Please check them out. It's much easier than explaining the implementation here:) The fields can be filled both when adding a product to the basket and on step 1 when modifying the basket content.


Hi Lars,


I searched and searched but cannot find new templates with these examples. Can you provide them? I really need this working.


Thanks in advance,



You can always find the latest templates in /Admin/Update/Files/Templates. Chek out the ProductAdvanced.html in /Admin/Update/Files/Templates/eCom/Product/.


Hi Lars,


I never looked into the product templates. My question is in the cart templates. I can get the fields to show up in step 1, I fill the information in, but when I reach step 4, I cannot get the information i filled in step 1.


I already tried using Server.request tags, and no good


You can test it in

Username: naguiar

password: teste


Any ideias?



It should be possible using the same tags as in step one. If you fill in something, save and go back to step 1, the form should be pre-filled with this information. Use the same tags on step 4 to display the information.


Hi Lars,


No good, the same tags place the input fields but in blank.




Please try the attached template and let me know what happens.

Sorensen wrote:

Please try the attached template and let me know what happens.

Hi Lars,


Ok, I found the problem. We cannot use the Ecom:Order.NextStep tag, just the new Ecom:Order:CartForm.SubmitOrder tag.

The Ecom:Order:CartForm.SubmitUpdate also works.


I wonder if anybody else would have this problem by using the previous tag. Nevertheless, I will update our clients as needed.


Thanks a lot,



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