I want to create items from an XML file. I have tried the data integration but did not succede so now I want to know if there is a way of doing it through the API?
I have also tried to generate a file with SQL insert, which allows me to add items directly to the itemType_myItem table. However I cannot add a page which then uses the imported item. Somewhere here on forum I read that I only needed to add content to these columns in the page table like this (for instance):
insert into page (PageParentPageID,PageActive, pagareaid,PageMenuText,PageItemType,PageItemId) values (2013, 1, 1, 'test', 'myItem', 2)
However that had the effect that the item container (2013) could not be opened in Dynamicweb backend (!).
So how would you suggest that I can import data as items into Dynamicweb?
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
Sten Hougaard
E: sho@1stweb.dk
M: 29850818
A: København/Aarhus . W: www.1stweb.dk
@: netsi1964