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Forum » Development » Changelog needed.

Changelog needed.


As a developer it is necessary to know which features has been added, which bugs has been fixed and which bugs are still open when deploying a new release. This becomes even more important when utilizing the extensibility features of a product since these features interact closely to the API of the product.


Therefor I most urge you to follow commonly known standards for software versioning and make these informations available for developers.


best regards

Lars Kohsel




Hi Lars,

Much of this information is actually available through the release notes where all changes are being documented. Both fixes and new features.

We've also earlier had an area on this forum, where all active problems where available. We've just made a change to a new issue management system internally, and therefore this feature has been closed temporarily until we have had a chance to migrate completely.

But the point is, that we're very aware of this need, and we will fulfil it as soon as possible.

regards, Peter


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