I have a question here about automatic payment procedure...
Imagine if you have yet another product in eCom. I wanted to know how it could be possible let's say at 12:00 or maybe several times / day - this product will be added to a cart, than this cart must be pushed further to payment provider (I know about the risks of saving credit card credentials by myself etc...) and eventually making order. Just wanted to know what could I use for this kind of purpose, and what should I be aware of. I think It can be easyer to implement something like this with no payment provider. To start with we could also do that without one, and just send a mail notification instead.
Speaking of user, well there would be a place in the database where I would manage this user - automatic order request feature... and when the time comes (12:00) for example, I submit every order to every user that has entry in my table...
Any suggestions,