A client is having their intranet scanned by a some service they bought, and want that service to scan pages with extranet login aswell.. The company asked me to "whitelist" their IP. I responded with creating them a user and giving them the url-postfix "?user=scanningservice&password=secretPass123", with the option to keep the session - or resend the logininfo on each page view of their crawler. But they cannot.
They are then asking if i could provide an outh cookie for them on first login they can reuse to keep being logged in. But.... idk.
So question is.... is there in dw 9.5.x (or about) something that would be useable for this scenario?
I was looking into creating a PageloadObserver, and checking on IP on e.g. Standard.Page.PageTitle and then logging the user in...... But it seams this "old" way is not longer viable:
var sec = new Dynamicweb.Security();
sec.ExtranetLogin(username, password);