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Autogeneration of ID on EcomProductField

Chris Søgaard
Chris Søgaard


How is autogeneration of IDs on tables (e.g. EcomProductField) controlled, when creating the field in backend?

We have some cases after export/import of test/prod databases where these generations are out of sync causing a duplicate error when trying to create a new item in the backend. I cannot see that it is handled by SQL.

And are there anyway to actively reset/assign the next number that will be chosen when creating these items in backend?


Chris Søgaard
Chris Søgaard

Found the answer myself by digging ínto it.

It seems to be controlled by EcomNumbers table, but we get this error anyway after importing the entire database from one environment to another, meaning that the numbers table should have been imported as well. Unless there's another logic behind this, it seems our issues are caused somewhere in the development instead.


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