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Forum » Development » Access to CalculateShippingFee method

Access to CalculateShippingFee method

Niels Foldager

Hi Dynamicweb,

We have a solution where we can have two shipping fees (depending on the type of products in the cart). We use a custom tax provider to add the fee from an additional standard shipping method. We only have access to the default fee on the shipping method and we also need access to the calculated fee from the fee rules / fee matrix.

It would be helpful if you make this method public: OrderService.CalculateShippingFee(Order order, string shippingMethod)
The returning class ShippingCalculationResult must also be accessible.

Best regards,
Niels Foldager


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Devops#12382 makes this method and the result public.

Pull request awaiting QA and approval, eta next tuesday.

Niels Foldager

Thank you, Nicolai.

Best regards
Niels Foldager


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