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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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SSL settings
Hi, DW offers the possibility to make a page "http" or "https", forced or not. These buttons at Page Properties (Default/Force SSL/Un-force SSL) are available to me as Administrator, but the customer doesn't see these buttons. What settings determine ...
Ton Martens
28/06/2016 10:21:27
Last post: 29/06/2016 14:11:18
Lock translation version
Hi, Working with language websites is there a way to set specific pages/paragrahps to be locked to the master version? Example: Master language is English US Language version for English UK and English Canada Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
17/05/2016 19:17:45
Last post: 29/06/2016 13:43:54
File Manager permissions
Hello there, I've set up permissions on folders at File Manager, some users won't be able to access some folders, and added a paragraph with the File Publishing module. Although, when I log in with a user that should only access specific folders, I'm ...
Mario Santos
27/06/2016 15:53:39
Last post: 28/06/2016 13:13:39
DW forms disappear while upgrading
Hi, I just upgraded a solution from to , but all the DW7-forms disappeared. In case someone else has this problem, the cause and solution to the problem is this: I renamed the database for the upgrade solution, and DW7-forms don't li ...
Jacob Bertelsen
27/03/2014 09:21:34
Last post: 28/06/2016 11:36:55
Items Customized URLs not updating
Hi, I've activated the Customized URLs on paragraph items and was working fine. Although, if I change the paragraph name the custom url is not updated unless I uncheck the customized URLs checkbox on item settings and check it again. Seems that only  ...
Mario Santos
21/06/2016 19:40:55
Last post: 28/06/2016 06:53:00
State field missing from Smart Search fields drop fownx
Hi there, When creating a new Smart Search for users, I can't select State (formerly known as Region). Is that an oversight and can it be added or is there another reason why the field isn't there? Thanks, Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
21/06/2016 23:57:00
Last post: 27/06/2016 15:59:57
Facet Option of type Double encoded
Hi, We are getting all of our facet options of a Double field encoded. Sounds like a bug. Can anyone verify? We are using Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/06/2016 12:12:49
Last post: 27/06/2016 15:58:15
Notification for failed index run
Hi there, We have a site where rebuilding the index (the new one) fails from time to time. We haven't figured out why yet and are first trying to figure out when it happens and how often. Currenty we are parsing the log files to send out a notificati ...
Imar Spaanjaars
03/02/2016 17:22:32
Last post: 22/06/2016 16:44:17 release date
Hi Team, I was wondering when will be released. We are waiting on it for a site upgrade. Thanks ...
Terri Donahue
21/06/2016 19:36:34
Last post: 22/06/2016 12:51:34
RSS Module frontend rendering
Hi I'm using RSS module to show news freed from DR. I am using a razor template for item layout which contains this code <div class="rss-feed-container col-lg-12"> <div id="rss-content"> <ul> <li> @GetString("RSSItemtitle") &l ...
Aditya Bante
20/06/2016 11:17:37
Last post: 22/06/2016 10:01:21
Maintaining Items table on manual import
We have created several imports to item tables. One thing we are struggeling with is the maintaining of an autoincrement key. The import in it self can maintain this. But when the customer adds new item, they are met with an errormessage: Violation o ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
20/06/2016 13:04:48
Last post: 20/06/2016 14:40:06
Send email on data integration user provider
How can I send user information (username and password) from the user provider without generating a new password. My source data include both username and password, and I would like to send these to all new users. The documentation (http://developer. ...
Thomas Larsen
19/06/2016 21:20:42
Last post: 20/06/2016 12:22:29
Maps module - js reference yields 404
Hey, I recently tried using the Maps module with clustering functionality. Apparently this causes the module to include a reference to an external javascript located at this CDN: ...
Martin Christensen
17/06/2016 15:50:01
Last post: 20/06/2016 10:45:44
Impersonation and carts
Hi there, When a user impersonates another user, does that also give access to the impersonated user's cart? In other words, can I have this scenario: 1. User with limited permissions creates a cart. 2 Someone with approval permissions logs in, imper ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/06/2016 00:01:51
Last post: 19/06/2016 14:30:15
Simple internal 301 redirect
Hi I have an issue with a simple 301 redirect, from a subpage to domain index. I have tried several combinations in the ”Direct Path” module, with no success. The subpage I want to redirect is this one: Title: Boligadvokat Henrik Nøhr - Odense – fyn  ...
Jonas Jørgensen
15/06/2016 14:44:33
Last post: 16/06/2016 09:35:16
Image information in New Index
Hi guys, I need to filter the resulting query of a index based on the presence of the Image in one of the Image fields but I see the image information si not present in the default Product Index builder. Is it my version or it's intentional? Is there ...
Adrian Ursu
11/05/2016 21:48:55
Last post: 14/06/2016 16:06:16
Sort by in Product Catalog using index
Hi, Some junior developers got confused when setting up a Product Catalogue in a paragraph for the first time. The reason is because we have the (standard) sorting fields when setting up an index. Unless I am mistaken they should be hidden, correct?  ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/04/2016 17:13:42
Last post: 14/06/2016 12:37:10
Searched items only show on list page
When searching with weighed search, paragraph based items are found but the link in the search result list links to the item publisher list and not the individual item found. How can I make this work? Example: ...
Per Søgaard
09/06/2016 17:31:03
Last post: 10/06/2016 09:30:09
Itempublisher querystring number
Hello, Im trying to use the Itempublisher with querystring Number. My goal is to make af take/skip funktionality with the Querystring : Number.from=10& (range (explicit)) and Number=10-20 (range (implicit)) from the http://manual.dyna ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
09/06/2016 09:09:57
Last post: 09/06/2016 12:16:09
Domains and sitemap.xml
Hello, Currently we're working on a multi language DynamicWeb based website. We're having an issue with the language-websites -> domain setup and the resulting sitemap.xml though. We're supporting 4 langauges on the website, so we have 4 language- ...
Tymen NNM
07/06/2016 12:13:39
Last post: 09/06/2016 12:10:53