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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Printing a list of all orders for certain products
Another ecom quetion here from me. Is it possible to print a list of all orders for a product, on a product basis? Lets say I have many products, and the shop is set up so that I will typically get 20 to 40 orders pr product. I want to be able quickl ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
17/05/2016 16:23:04
Last post: 07/02/2018 13:30:55
URL for Items with language layers
Hi, I have some problems with URLs that are generated from Paragraph Items. The solution has 3 languages (2 language layers). I have an ItemPublisher that renders news and blog items. Example: When a news item is adde ...
Aki Ruuskanen
06/02/2018 11:31:11
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DW9 Page properties - advanced
Hi, We're did the "Cache" settings go on page-level in DW9? Is it completely removed, is there a checkbox to make it show ;-) or is it just hidden somewhere where I can't find it? ...
René Poulsen
01/02/2018 12:39:28
Last post: 02/02/2018 09:25:01
DataLists - Can't find PhoneBusiness field in any db table
Hi, Does anyone know where the UserManagement:User.PhoneBusiness resides in a DB table? I really can't find it anywhere... Trying to list users via DataLists, but that one column I can't find! ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
31/01/2018 21:06:56
Last post: 01/02/2018 13:23:02
Parameter of type system.boolean[] is rendered inconsistently
Hi guys, I am using a parameter of type system.boolean[] to filter if I show only variants or variants and standalone products. In the Product List Page I am supposed to make an ajax call to another page and pass all Query parameters exactly as they  ...
Adrian Ursu
30/01/2018 08:03:35
Last post: 01/02/2018 01:23:41
How to make the SMTP-option show up.
Hello! I am trying to set up my smtp-server locally so I can test some emailing functionality, but according to this link the smtp-options should be in ...
Oscar Romin
29/01/2018 16:58:57
Last post: 29/01/2018 17:27:09
Download multiple files / folder
I was wondering if it where possible to download multiple files and/or entire folders from the admin dashboard? Right now I'm only able to download one file at the time. If this is not a current feature, that would be a nice option to have. ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
12/01/2018 14:11:17
Last post: 29/01/2018 10:20:34
How to add super user
We are about 5 people working in backend of our Dynamic Web site. But theres just 2 super admins - Admin and Administrator (default?) How do we add more? ...
David Alexandersson
26/01/2018 10:26:29
Last post: 26/01/2018 12:14:14
Share login between 2 different areas
Hi Guys, I have a solution with 2 different areas matching 2 different DNS, however the login should be shared between the 2 areas/DNS. Is this possible? DW version is the 9.3.9 Thanks, Ricardo ...
Ricardo Pereira
24/01/2018 16:06:28
Last post: 26/01/2018 10:17:30
Changes to ItemTypes paragraphs are not saved
Hi Guys, We have received a couple of complaints from a few customers about situations where changes done to a paragraph are not saved. They say they have to make the changes a few times before they are actually saved on the paragraph. I know it's ha ...
Adrian Ursu
25/01/2018 17:39:18
Last post: 25/01/2018 17:51:54
Can access files, though I'm not supposed to have permission to do so
Hi guys, DW has a feature to put permissions on a folder in Files, just as you would on pages, to make sure only users with the right logins can see them. Although, I find that this does not work on files. I can still access the files if I have the l ...
Eva Rasmussen
05/10/2017 13:54:56
Last post: 25/01/2018 16:13:26
Add page break when generating PDF
Hi Guys, I am using the &pdf=true&print=true paramters to generate a proforma invoice for orders placed. Everything is fine for orders with a few Orderlines. As soon as I get more than 10 orderlines, the height of the page requires a new page ...
Adrian Ursu
23/01/2018 12:54:20
Last post: 23/01/2018 16:40:26
Deployment tool - fields were not created in the database
Hi, Using the deployment tool in 9.3.7 I moved Product field definitions around and although they showed up, the columns were not created in the database until I clicked "Save and close" on each field. I noticed that when trying to setup an integrati ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 11:39:39
Last post: 23/01/2018 13:16:05
CORS Error with DW calls on HTTPS website
Hello forum! I ran into a problem with a CORS due to Client <--> Netscaler being on HTTPS but Netscaler <--> DW backend being on HTTP. For example when I try to fetch news in the admin frontpage I get this console error: "Mixed Content: T ...
Snaevar Petursson
04/01/2018 15:39:04
Last post: 23/01/2018 09:07:59
Override the page content type
Hi, Is it possible to override the page content type by adding an extra parameter to the url? The same way that it can be done with the Layout by adding a LayoutTemplate parameter BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
22/01/2018 23:25:47
Last post: 23/01/2018 08:50:34
Domain for Preview page
Hi guys, I have noticed in several projects that after moving from a deve domain to the live domain, the "Show Page" option from backend tries to open the page for preview using the development domain even if I set the production domain as default. I ...
Adrian Ursu
18/01/2018 09:55:15
Last post: 19/01/2018 01:10:54
Different Navigation depth for different trees
Hi Guys, I am looking for a solution to list a different number of navigation levels for each tree (in this case meaning different level 1 pages). The reson I have this request is that we need to list 3 levels of navigation. That can be easily accopl ...
Adrian Ursu
11/12/2017 19:11:58
Last post: 18/01/2018 10:26:08
RenderItemList and ItemPublisher
Hi, I need to change the paging parameters in a Razor-template, when using the ItemPublisher on a paragraph, in order to make a "Read more" functionality without javascript. I've tried to use the RenderItemList instead, but then need to get the numbe ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
08/12/2017 09:15:29
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:43:59
Export language layer with data integration
Can anyone help me with an "idiot-safe" way of exporting a certain language layer out of several in the same DW9 solution. I know I probably have to use the Data Integration module, but I'm not sure how to do it?? Regards, Lise ...
Lise T. Pedersen
24/11/2017 09:08:59
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:42:16
Error when using ItemRelation field on Page ItemType
Hi Guys, I have this solution running (latest version). I have set a field of type ItemRelation on the PageItemtype for storing some relations with other pages. Thisng look very good for pages where I add this property. For some reason, for  ...
Adrian Ursu
10/01/2018 12:27:37
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:38:40