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URL with and without .aspx
Hi, I Noticed every page in Dynamicweb can be reached by multiple URL's. For example: Is there a way to make sure every page is available with one unique URL? Maybe wi ...
Matthijs Hofstede
13/12/2011 13:34:26
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User Custom Fields - Too many fields defined.
Hey guys. Have any of you ever expired this error: "Too many fields defined."? I get the error when i add new user custom fields, and it does not help deleting the actually custom fields. (Currently only got 9 custom fields). Stack Trace: [ ...
Kasper Jensen
05/12/2011 13:44:29
Last post: 13/12/2011 11:50:51
Database option excluded for Admins
A client off us noticed the "database" function from the management center has been disabled for his role (admin). Is this a bug? Is this done as a security improvement? Is there a way to put it back? Thanks allready... ...
Matthijs Hofstede
12/12/2011 13:31:47
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Global:Page.Content to return templated contents of the page?
The reference for this tag says: Returns the content of the paragraphs on a given page. It's only the pararaph content and not the paragraph setup it's outputting. So what is the best way to actually return the whole page, as it is generated normally ...
Roman Sterlingov
30/11/2011 22:09:23
Last post: 10/12/2011 15:07:11
Newsmodule related items
Hi How do I attach related content to a news item ? I know that you can attach fields groups to a newscategory but this functionality is somehow limited. The customers wants the ability to create additional information to a newsstory for example a co ...
Casper Bang-Udesen
08/12/2011 10:57:41
Last post: 09/12/2011 14:05:11
Change language in frontend
Hi, Using the new language module, there are 2 things I would like to achieve: - a language menu (is it possible?) - normally we use a page structure (navigation) for it - change the page language by passing something like "&lang=en" Is ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/12/2011 16:21:26
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If statement in customfield loop
I have a number of custom fields for user and on a registrationpage I only want to display on of them. I'm trying to do this with an if statement where I check the ID of the control. But the If statement is not parsed and I cannot see why? The code i ...
Aki Ruuskanen
30/11/2011 14:22:38
Last post: 30/11/2011 16:05:51
Using a RTE to edit news frontend
We have a client, who use the FCK-editor to edit news frontend. Their problem is, that it escapes HTML entirelly by simply removing all greater-/less than operators (< and >). They claim it worked untill a recent Dw-update (and indeed it seems  ...
Nikki Strømsnes
30/11/2011 11:24:32
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Print a name of parent page in an html page template?
Can this be done? Optionally, it would work if we could just print the name of a page in the breadcrumb at a certain level. (like the DwLegend does, but while it prints the whole list, we only need one page from that list). ...
Roman Sterlingov
24/11/2011 17:35:06
Last post: 28/11/2011 17:32:21
Filemanager extended
Hi. Is there a way to dynamic assign a directory to a extranet group in the filemanager frontend modul and for the filepublish modul? ...
Bo Lindblom
28/11/2011 11:06:34
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getimage aspx problem, cannot resize images?
When I try to call it with different dimensions than those of the original image, it just fails with the error provided below. I have specifically checked that the size is the argument that is causing this. If I change it to the image's native resolu ...
Roman Sterlingov
21/11/2011 14:55:41
Last post: 25/11/2011 13:38:05
Modulet Afstemning
Kan det passe, at man ikke kan nulstille svarene i Afstemningsmodulet? ...
Jens Jensen
22/11/2011 11:10:23
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getimage.aspx cannot resize images? (this one seems to work)
When I try to call it with different dimensions than those of the original image, it just fails with the error provided below. I have specifically checked that the size is the argument that is causing this. If I change it to the image's native resolu ...
Roman Sterlingov
21/11/2011 13:55:45
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getimage.aspx (3)
test more test ...
Roman Sterlingov
21/11/2011 13:55:16
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getimage.aspx cannot resize images? (2)
When I try to call it with different dimensions than those of the original image, it just fails with the error provided below. I have specifically checked that the size is the argument that is causing this. If I change it to the image's native resolu ...
Roman Sterlingov
21/11/2011 13:24:41
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ApprovalUrl gives error
Hi, When someone registers on our website and clicks the confirm registration link (see attached link) in the e-mail. DW gives the following error; (see attached error) I cannot alter the approvalurl, does anyone have an idea how to debug? ...
Gert-Jan Bierkens
21/11/2011 13:00:34
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How to save custom checkbox value when creating a user
Hi, I am using the UserManagement module to create a user from the frontend. But I can not make the module save the value from a customfield checkbox in the create user form. I think the problem could be the naming of the checkbox. What is the naming ...
Lars Larsen
18/11/2011 10:34:51
Last post: 18/11/2011 14:29:54
Permissions for searching documents
This applies to the searching (search weighted) of documents . Can the search be limited, depending of the rights of a user in a group? For this customer, some documents may not be viewed to all users, so how can this be configured? Thanks, Ton ...
Ton Martens
16/11/2011 16:12:26
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Navigation redirect to "_blank"
Is it possible in the CMS to redirect to a new window? If not, then it's a feature request ;-) /Rune ...
Rune Skovbo
16/11/2011 11:32:23
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getimage.aspx cannot resize images?
When I try to call it with different dimensions than those of the original image, it just fails with the error provided below. I have specifically checked that the size is the argument that is causing this. If I change it to the image's native resolu ...
Roman Sterlingov
10/11/2011 19:32:27
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