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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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User ItemType as ItemViewModel
Hi guys, I am trying to access the data stored in a User ItemType. I can get the ItemId and the ItemType but with the methods I have found I can only get an Item and not an ItemViewModel. Although I can access some of the simple properties (Text, lis ...
Adrian Ursu
13/06/2023 20:38:36
Last post: 28/06/2023 11:25:25
Forms for editors field dynamic values
Hi guys, Is there any way I can use some dynamic values as default values for fields in the form? For example, I have a generic Job form included on a Job page. I would like to store in the Job field, the value from the current page MenuText (Pagevie ...
Adrian Ursu
13/06/2023 13:24:18
Last post: 13/06/2023 16:07:41
Exception IronPdf
Hi We get the following exeption when we try to generate a pdf from a list in the customercenter. (/produktkatalog/produktkatalog?listId=61&pdf=true) This is the exeption: System.Exception: Pdf creator constructor exception ---> System.Threadi ...
Kenneth Radoor
12/06/2023 10:24:21
Last post: 12/06/2023 12:57:24
Language specific url's in Sitemap
Hi, Is it the default that language specific url's do not show up in the sitemap.xml? My site hase 3 area's, but sitemap.xml only shows the default language. I thought I might need to switch to: But when I check that box, the sitemap is empty ...
Justin Sjouw
08/06/2023 20:00:33
Last post: 09/06/2023 13:24:08
Set child language as the defauilt
Hi there, Is there a way to set a language layer as the default for a domain? I have this setup: English > Danish I want people to visit the web site at to see the Danih language by default, and not English. Possib ...
Imar Spaanjaars
08/06/2023 15:00:09
Last post: 08/06/2023 16:01:40
System.FormatException: Invalid shift value in prefixCoded string (is encoded value really an INT?)
Hi guys, I have an update issue I can't seem to fix myself. It's about the product search / index. I started out with an application with a Dynamicweb 9.14.1 Admin. I've updated it to 9.15.7 and updated ALL nuget packages on june 1st and  ...
Peter Leleulya
01/06/2023 13:37:20
Last post: 21/08/2023 09:52:32
Timeout when copying website
Hi We are experiencing timeout issues when copying a large website. It looks like the timeout happens after 10 minutes and we need to recycle the application pool each time it times out. Is there any way to increase this transaction timeout? ...
Vincent Gercke
01/06/2023 09:24:35
Last post: 12/06/2023 09:29:14
Upgrade to 9.14.14 from 9.12.11
Anyone give some guidance on this error updating the licence during an upgrade? [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] Dynamicweb.Content.Management.Installation.get_LicenseChecksum() +241 Dynamicweb.Content.M ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
24/05/2023 11:19:08
Last post: 11/03/2024 08:38:37
Navigating to / removes language choice
On a website where the navigation URL of the logo is set to / When I click the logo and go to the homepage the language choice is lost, and the website is back in the default language. What do I need to change to stay in the chosen language? Thanks,  ...
Justin Sjouw
17/05/2023 11:12:17
Last post: 02/06/2023 13:01:12
Permisson Matrix - Bug in 9.14.12?
Hi, I needed to create a usergroup which only can access Orders. I gave "none" access to everything else but Orders in Ecommerce, where it had 'Full'. But then the user couldn't see Orders. - It could see RMA's which seems v ...
Marie Louise Veigert
15/05/2023 08:37:28
Last post: 31/05/2023 18:49:23
Sorting scheduled tasks
Hi there, What's the logic for sorting scheduled tasks? I have a mix of tasks in the database and in XML filles and sorting seems arbitrary. I get a 404 on /Admin/Content/Management/Pages/ScheduledTask_Sort.aspx when I save my sort, presumably be ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/05/2023 16:00:33
Last post: 15/05/2023 11:08:41
Too many redirections
"Too many redirections" issue. While using DW 9.15.5 on Swift 1.19.0 we encountered a problem when using the login form. Restarting IIS, clearing cache memory, restarting of machine did not help. The problem is repeating even in case when w ...
Ivan Blažun
09/05/2023 12:48:54
Last post: 31/05/2023 18:50:59
Vertical Navigation items disappeared with upgrade to 9.15.6
On 9.15.3, the left nav Vertical Navigation displayed children of "My Account". Backend: Front end: With the 9.15.6 upgrade, the "My Account" children disappeared from the front end, no other changes were made to the application/c ...
Lora Vigil
04/05/2023 18:47:52
Last post: 29/05/2023 02:47:51
Search Filter in this Forum is partly broken
Hi, We can no longer filter in the Forum/Community because the prepopulated value is not accurate. It's rendering the data type instead of it's value Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
03/05/2023 11:18:28
Last post: 03/05/2023 11:21:29
CK editor on frontend fields for Item Creator - spam filter
We have a website where it is possible to create Items frontend. For formatted RichText, we use ckeditor. But there seems to be a problem regardin spam filter / protection agaings SQL injections. Some users get banned when filling the form, and I pre ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
02/05/2023 14:29:12
Last post: 03/05/2023 09:25:16
Item Type error puzzle
Anyone know why the error in the Live admin on the paragraph? Frontend is fine, also fine in Local and staging sites: [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] Dynamicweb.Controls.Legacy.Renderers.ItemListEditorR ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
24/04/2023 14:52:05
Last post: 10/05/2023 11:36:01
Check if user can impersonate
Hi, I want to check if it is possible for the user to impersonate anyone. I would expect Pageview.User.CanImpersonate() to return false when no options is selected in the "I CAN IMPERSONATE" on the user and on the group containing the user. ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
21/04/2023 15:40:49
Last post: 21/04/2023 16:57:12
Many DB queries at login when the user has Impersonation users / secondary users
When a user has "I can impersonate" users selected there is one DB query for each individual Impersonation user selected. See screenshot of selected "I can impersonate" users and the corresponding amount of "SELECT * FROM [Ac ...
Peter Krusell
19/04/2023 12:36:17
Last post: 27/04/2023 11:08:45
Page template locked by process
Hi nerds, One of our live websites got this error today and it blocked the website from being viewed: System.ApplicationException: The process cannot access the file 'D:\Dynamicweb\Files\Templates\Designs\ProjectName\_parsed\ ...
Arnór Halldórsson
12/04/2023 12:26:13
Last post: 31/05/2023 18:52:20
Delete data using Data list or Forms for Data Lists
Hi guys, I have a feature where we manage some data using DataLists in a custom table. I know that I can edit and add new Lines but I am not sure if I can also delete lines from the custom table. Is this possible using the standard DataList function  ...
Adrian Ursu
05/04/2023 17:27:53
Last post: 01/11/2023 10:51:24