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Will a large number of assortment result in any issues?

Roald Haahr

If, say, we have approximately 4000 customers on a webshop and it is necessary to create an assortment for each customer, will that result in any issues or is DW able to deal with that amount of assortments?

Kind regards,


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Yes, that will probably give you issues. I.e. the index has a field that contains all assortments a product is a member of - that would be expensive/slow.

What is the use case? Do all customers have completely different assortment or what is the context of all this.

Maybe favorites is a better solution?

BR Nicolai 

Votes for this answer: 1
Roald Haahr

Alright, that's good to know. Thanks!

The information that the client has provided us with, is that each of their customers have their own distinct set of products available to them. However, with your answer in mind, the client is now looking into whether it is possible to make groupings of customers, so we can make assortments on groups instead. That will hopefully decrease the amount of assortments a lot.

I can see how favorites can solve the problem, but we are planning to build the site on a Rapido, so we would prefer not to mess with the existing functionality.

Kind regards,

Nicolai Pedersen

Ok - thanls for claritying.

The solution could also depend on how many products they have.

There is one thing you could also consider. For the index it is possible to create a macro - that macro can return something that can be used as value in an expression in the query - i.e. an array of productids etc. So it is actually possible to i.e. create a macro that will look at a custom table, return information on what products the current logged in user has in their "assortments" and use that as a parameter in the query. You can do that without changing Rapido.

Of course this will be a problem if the user has i.e. 10.000 products in assortment as that returning array would be very large.

But that approach will also be a posibility in some way or another. It does not remove groups from navigation though - as assortments would.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a bit of insight into this matter from a few of our projects where we use assortments extensively.

The most relevant project is listing 35k products with almost 2000 assortments and almost 30k users. We have about 170 Product Categories and about 800 product category fields

The project is running on DW 9.4.11.

The main issue with this setup is in the interface for handling the assortments. The performance seems to be reasonable so far. Not lightning fast, of course, but decent.

The index takes about 2 minutes to run fully.

The project in question is  and it is B2B only.

I hope this helps.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

Thanks for sharing those numbers! Could be a very good indicator for Roald.

BR Nicolai


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