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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Vcard fails
Morten Christensen

Unfortunately no, my question was:


I have to make a download link to a vcard and use vcard When i click on it, i get a blank page with a error "undefined". If i chose "show source code" i can see all the infomations but i don't get a vcard file i can download. You can see the error here: Can anyone tell me what the problem is?


When i click on the vcard link here i got an error, but if i copy the url from the error page - The url works - See more at:


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Morten

You made it work?

BR Nicolai

Morten Christensen

Unfortunately no, my question was:


I have to make a download link to a vcard and use <a href="<!--@UserManagement:User.VCard-->">vcard</a>
When i click on it, i get a blank page with a error "undefined". If i chose "show source code" i can see all the infomations but i don't get a vcard file i can download.
You can see the error here:
Can anyone tell me what the problem is?


When i click on the vcard link here i got an error, but if i copy the url from the error page - The url works

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Morten

Try removing the ui-link class from the a tag.

The 'undefined' text comes from a javascript that would be coming from your one of the plugins you are using...

BR Nicolai



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