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Users locked out - how to reset

Scott Forsyth

Users can be locked due to too many invalid attempts to login. Where is that state stored, and can it be reset manually in the backend?

Is it backed by the database, if so which table and columns, or is it in-memory? I see that it's not saved in the AccessUser table.


Morten Bengtson

You can configure the lockout feature in Management Center, but I don't think there is any way to 'unlock' a user manually. The user will just have to wait and try again later (blocking period).

Failed login attempts are stored in the database in the table GeneralLog.

If you really need to 'unlock' a user immediately then you can use the following script to do that...

DECLARE @username AS nvarchar(max)
SET @username = 'test'

DECLARE @blockingperiod AS int
SET @blockingperiod = 10

WHERE LogAction = 'Frontend login failed'
AND LogDate > DATEADD(MINUTE,-@blockingperiod,GETDATE())
AND LogDescription LIKE 'UID:' + @username + ',IP:%'
Scott Forsyth

Perfect. Thanks Morten!

That's exactly what I was looking for. Just knowing that it's in GeneralLog will help me next time (and I tested it out so that I could see it in action), and I'll submit a feature request to add this to the UI too. Some of our users would benefit from that.




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