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UserManagement Account Approval Error

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi guys,


We are having a problem in one solution where the user only can accomplish to approve his account when click the second time in the approval url.

The first time we click in the link it redirect to <URL>/-1 and not the link with the approval key.


DW version:


Best regards,

António Ramos



Oleg Rodionov

Hi António,


I've tested the issue on our test environment based on using my live mail account, all right, please see prrof -

It seems to be issue of SendgGrid (as per your video I see you use the mail provider), have a look at 

So, first of all, check the feature using another mail account/address not based on  or disable the tracking within you sendgrid account (if it's possible).


BR, Oleg QA  

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi guys,

We dig this and the issue was caused by same name pages and the url rewriting. 



António Ramos


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