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User Management rights for regular user

Ilja Alaoja

Is there a way to grant a regular user (not admin) partial access to User Management?


Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Ilja,

When you say partial access, what do you mean? Are you talking about limiting access to specific modules or specific parts of the Admin?

- Jeppe

Ilja Alaoja

A regular, non-admin user has no access to the User Management module. I would like to grant access to a user, and restrict that users access to only one user group.

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

+1 for more control over this. It would be nice if you could also block things like Online Marketing which currently doesn't seem to be supported.

Having the option to set that at the user level rather than at the solution level would be even better!


Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi guys - we have a new permission model on the roadmap for 8.7, I think it will cover your requests


Ilja Alaoja

That sounds great. Any idea of the time frame for the 8.7 release?

Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

8.5 - Last Tuesday in August 2014

8.6 - Last Tuesday in January 2015

8.7 - Last Tuesday in August 2015

And so on...


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