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User creation without email

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi guys,

We are having an issue when we try to create users without email via front-end. In the interface (backoffice) we don't have any issue but via front-end (extranet/intranet module) we can't achieve this successfully. 

The validation loop is always returning the message "The e-mail cannot be empty" that is the matching the field "ErrorEmtyEmail" in the paragraph extranet/intranet paragraph setup.

We have the checkbox "Require unique emails" and "Update existing users based on email match" disabled. And also we don't have confirmation email templates.

Are we missing any other configuration that will force the field email to be validated in the user creation process?

DW Version: 9.2.8

Thanks in advance,


António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

Not sure it is possible. Can you use a fake email address for all those users?

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

We can use a fake email address but we were expecting the same behaviour like in BO (we can create users without email). Shouldn't this use the same behaviour? 



António Ramos

António Ramos
António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi António

From what I can see in the code, this happens if you have checked that the user needs to approve the signup using emails. See dump #1.

Of course the user cannot verify the signup if there is no mail...

BR Nicolai

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your feedback. In fact that checkbox is not selected but what you said made me ring a bell.

We want to send to the client an notification email (if he fills the email). Maybe is the user notification email that it's triggering the mandatory field?

Paragraph Module Settings in attach.


António Ramos

Ryan Meade Dynamicweb Employee
Ryan Meade

Any update on this task? We need this for a customer solution that is going live in July. Thanks

Ryan Meade Dynamicweb Employee
Ryan Meade

We have made a change to the project, so this is no longer needed for the project I referenced above. 


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