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Use ItemPublisher to list Items without pages or paragraphs

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I am using an ItemType to create a list of manageable Tags on a content rich website.

I am connecting the tags with the articles with a Sql based checkbox list.

Now, I need to publish the tags on the website.

I tried to use the ItemPublisher but it won't list anything. Probably because these ItemTypes do not have pages nor paragraphs.

How do I list them on the front-end? Is there a particular combination of the settings?




Nicolai Pedersen
Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you very much for the example.

What is the current limitation of the Named Lists? I currently have about 6000 values for Tags in this project. My previous knowledge about Named Lists is that they are limited to a few hundred. Am I wrong? 

Right now I am using a field of type ItemRelation with the option "Inline" to create distinct Tags and I am using a Custom CheckboxList to assign the values in the pages.

I am not sure this qualifies for the solution you mentioned.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

Named lists are made for many items. So I do not think there is a limitation.

And the rest of your question I am not sure I understand... Some dumps maybe?

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I tried to make a video dump but the interface freezes while in Jing Video Capture mode and try to exit an Item Settings.

I have attached the ItemType definitions. Searchable_Checkbox is a custom control we made in order to help the admin assign values.

You can have a look at the solution if you think it's easier:

Basically the "Taxonomy Settings" page is used to create values for various properties (Taguri being one of them) while the Searchable_Checkbox is used to assign the values to a Page item type. Not sure how I can switch from this approach to the Named list approach and keep the functionality.




Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Since you have not sent any other response back, I looked into the Item Lists suggestion.

I think the main issue with that is the way it can be accesses. It is pretty hidden in the menu for it to be usable enough.

And in the specification on the doc website, it says the Item List is limited to 100. It does not say if it's 100 per page or 100 for the entire list of values.

If this would be more usable, maybe we could use it to add Tags to a page or other type of details that require searching for existing values as well as adding.

Until then, I don't see a valid use case for my project.




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