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Upgrade to 8.8.

René Poulsen


I need to upgrade one of our solutions from to 8.8. We've got a lot of Item lists - so we can create multiple items of one type on athother item. As an example I've created a "Department" item. On that item I've created an item list where I can create multiple employees which is also an item.

In the 8.8 important notes you write:

Type: Upgrade
Title: Item List field is depricated (Item relation list is extended instead)
Feature details: Item lists are deprecated in DW88. Created Item list fields are still available but it is not possible to create new fields of type "Item list". You need to use fields of type "Item relation list" instead. In the parameters for "Item relation list" field you are eble to select "Inline" in order to get the same functionality as the deprecated item list field.

Does this mean that I can still create departments and employees as usual or does it mean that I can only edit the ones already created? I, off course, still want to be able to create new departments with new employees in the old way. It's okay if I can't create new item types using item lists - but it would be really nice if the old ones still work - both for editing existing items AND creating new ones,

Does it make sens? :-)


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi René

Yes, you can still use them. We have just disabled the option to create new item types using that field type - but you can use the replacement, it works the same.

Existing item types continue working as always.

BR Nicolai


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