I have taken the following steps
1. Selected the 'Extranet secure folder' in the settings (/Files/Secure)
2. Set the Read permission for the selected folder to Deny for the IUSR on the server
However, when logged in to the frontend, files still return 401 when I try to access them directly and 403 when using dwsdownload.aspx.
I have tried to change the permissions on the IUSR to Full control, which makes it possible to access the file directly, but dwsdownload.aspx still returns 403.
Furthermore, I noticed that dwsdownload.aspx stopped working for the secure folder as soon as I selected the secure folder. So with IUSR set to full control for the folder dwsdownload.aspx still returns 403 for the selected secure folder.
I have tested with my Chrome and in incognito. What am I missing?
Kind regards,