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Step.css and Step.js

Nicolai Normann


I saw that DW automaticly adds Step.css and Step.js when I'm in my Checkout.

I was wondering if there was any way to make sure that these files weren't included?

Have been looking through Management Center and only found System > Solutionsettings > Designs and Layout, there it says that you can exclude all CSS and JS from modules, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on the Checkout.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Nicolai

The setting is usually found on the paragraph setting in the 2 select boxes in the top... See screen dump

Nicolai Normann

Quite odd, I had actually chosen those two files in the module, even though I hadn't changed anything with the Stylesheet and Javascript in it.

So I've just tried to create a CartV2 module on two different solutions and it seems that it chooses the Stylesheet and Javascript file as a default? That seems like rather odd behaviour to me.

If I for example make a eCom ProductCatalog it won't choose any JS or CSS files as default.

Is it a bug that the CartV2 has a default CSS and JS setting?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Yes, that is a bug.

Just fixed it, will be there in a later release!

BR Nicolai


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