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Stay on page after extranet logoff

Lars Larsen


I have decompiled the method Dynamicweb.Security.Logoff() and can see that if the querystring parameter "redirect" is set to "no" the user who logs out from the extranet will stay on the current page. But this does not work on the solution I am working on currently. Any idea of what can be wrong? I am running Dynamicweb v. and have no custom code regarding the extranet functionality or any redirects in custom code.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

It redirects to the referer - so if your get request does not contain one, it will not work.

You can also include the pageid to the logoff page and get redirected to that page: ExtranetLogoff.aspx?ID=123

Votes for this answer: 1
Lars Larsen

Yes, I know of the possibility to add a pageid and there by redirect to that page. So the "redirect=no" query string parameter should work (redirect to the referer as you state)?


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