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Standard import users

Kim SĂžjborg Pedersen
Hi, is it possible to make a import on users in dynamicweb? or do I have to make some customcode.

I got a excel worksheet from a customer with about 16000 users


Michael Nielsen
Hi Kim

I can help you some of the way.

First you need access to Import/Export (Extended) module. There you drag and drop i.e. XML Source File and then User Destination to your pipeline.

In User Destination you can see the xml scheme so you know how your xml file should look like.

Unfortunately for me it only imports the last user :-/

Michael Nielsen
Contact HostNordic and get SQL access.

You will then get web-based sql access and in that there is an csv import wizard.

But don't select "First line contains fieldnames", it doesn't work. Instead after you select database and table, you then mark the fields you want to put data into and press next, there you can see in what order the fields should be in your csv file.
And please note that no matter what encoding you put on your file, special characters (like æ, ø, å, ä, ö, ü and so on) will be replaced with Ã.


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