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Special characters in URL

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have a question that is related to another post of mine earlier this month.

I have some characters in URL that are not captured and replaced with "-". My previous post was about quotes from Word. I have not got any answer to that, I hope to have better luck with this post.

The problem I have not is with the presence of a ® (Registered trademark) in the title of the article. It is not replaced when the Friendly URL is built and therefore the link returns a 404 error.

I tried to override the URL by filling in the "use in URL" value. But it looks like the field is limited to a specific number of characters. See my screenshot.

What would be the workaround in this case? I would assume this situation should be fixed in the core of the system for futire releases, right?

Thank you,




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

See the answer on the other post. In the Use in URL field, only add the product name - not the entire URL.

BR Nicolai


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