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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Solutionset: Paragraph image scales automaticly to w300px

Solutionset: Paragraph image scales automaticly to w300px

Jop Reuvers
I'm working on a solution that's based on the solutionset. I've created a new subdirectory inside the Images folder via Filemanagement and I've changed the imagesettings on this folder to scale the images inside to a width of 957px and height of 471px. Now I've created a new paragraph on the homepage in which I use a image from this new folder (carousel_item_1.jpg) as the paragraph image. When I save the paragraph, close It and open It again DW has created a resized version of the paragraph image and uses this as the current image (carousel_item_1_w300px.jpg). This also happens when I use other images from other directories.


Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer
This is caused by some old template configuration from back in the day (before Designs and Layouts).

To resolve the issue you have to do the following:
  1. Go in to Management Center > Designer > Templates
  2. Click "Paragraph" and edit the template called "Image Left W300"
  3. Uncheck "Autoscale"
  4. Save the template (by pressing the OK button)
Best regards,
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