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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Small clock icon at the page?

Small clock icon at the page?

Dmitrij Jazel

Hello guys,

I just installed new isntance of DW application. I tryed to find some information but could not find anything so far :-/

And I just started creating new pages, but they have small clock icon.

Page names are in grey color but they apear in navigation. Any suggestions how can I normally publish pages?


This is custom soluion that we are self hosting and administrating.





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is a bug in one of the releases, TFS#13597 which is fixed in 8.4

It has something to do with the date format of the server.

Dmitrij Jazel

Hej Nicolai,

Hmm I see, ok than, I thought that it was strange. But actually the issue dissapeared if I would use another browser.

Normally I used chrome, and it was there. But than I switched to IE and issue disapeared.


But I will keep this in mind.

Thanks for help!





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