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SEO friendly requirements

Adrian Ursu

Hello guys,

I have a client that hired an external SEO consultant that came with a set of mandatory recommendations for the webshop.

Some of them are pretty doable but some of them are a bit out of the regular functionality.

They are requiring to have the filters separated with / instead of passing them in URL.

Meaning{price_value}/{manufacturer}/{variant_color}/ instead of{price_value}&manufacturer={manufacturer}&variant={variant_color}

Also, they have required that all category URL's to be ended with trailing slash: instead of the default

Any solution to accomplish this?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

Ah, SEO experts... I wonder where they dig up their 'knowledge'. Anyways, her goes.

For the filtering URLs, you can write a url provider based on the data in the index. Parameters for the left hand side, and all the values from the facets on the right hand side. You need to query the entire index on each of the parameters and keep track of which fields they search and which values are available. Not an easy task. See, look for the URL providers document. An alternative is to use IIS url rewriting engine. See IIS docs for doing that.

Regarding the trailing slash, you cannot do change it - DW 301s to the version without the trailing slash.

According to Google it really does not matter if it one or the other:​. You could even share the same content in the version with and without the trailing slash, and it would be "a-okay" (Googles wording).

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Yeah, SEO experts. They have to make a living somehow.

That filtering URL's it's a total bogus but I need to find a way to do it because their current ecommerce solution already does it.

Thanks for your suggestions. i was afraid I was gonna end up developing a URL provider.



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