I'm setting up my first DW site and I have encountered a problem on the user page. I have created some users for the extranet and I would like to send them an email with their login information.
I find the user in the backend and use the button "Send user details". I choose the only suggested template for this: "Extranet_SendPasswordRecoveryEmail.html (a standard template in DW). The user receives the email as intended, but the reset-link in the email doesn't work. The url in the link is just something like "x-webdoc://-randomnumbersandletters-/%3C!--@DWUsers:User:PasswordRecoveryUrl--%3E"
The reset link in the template uses <!--@DWUsers:User:PasswordRecoveryUrl--> but I cant seem to find anything about this tag. Is it an invalid tag?
I'm wondering why this standard option isn't working. Am I missing somthing or do I need to make extra configuration for this option to work?