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Search (Weighted) not working (

Jeroen Elias

Hi all,

After upgrading a solution from DW 7 to DW 8, the weighted search doesn't seem to be working.
I have followed the installation guide ( by installing the Indexing Service, together with the Adobe iFilter 6.0. (on Windows 2008R2).
I  created a catalog and I see this catalog being populated. Older Windows versions provided a Query tool for the indexing service, but it's not there any more.

The option "Search (Weighted)" is greyed out in the Modules section in the backend. Is this normal?

Can anyone enlighten me what's wrong here?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Jeroen

If the module is greyed out, it could be why it does not search. If you can provide a link to your solution we can have a look at why the module is not installed.

Also not that, since we have used "Windows Search" instead of Indexing Service because MS have deprecated it on Windows 2012. So on Windows 2012, use Windows Search, on Windows 2008, use Indexing Service.

BR Nicolai

Jeroen Elias

Hi Nicolai,

The link I cannot provide you because this solution runs on the customer's intranet.
The machine in question is a Windows 2008R2 server. Today I installed Indexing Service together with Adobe iFilter 6.0.
The catalog contains documents of the /Filer folder.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Check in module table if weighted search is installed.

Or make a copy of the site available online for us to check out.

Jeroen Elias

The module is there in the table:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Module] where ModuleSystemName like 'Search%' gives me:

ModuleID ModuleSystemName ModuleName ModuleAccess ModuleStandard ModuleScript ModuleTypeID ModuleSort ModuleParagraph ModuleDatabase ModuleTable ModuleFieldID ModuleFieldName ModuleWhere ModuleSearch ModuleControlPanel ModuleHiddenMode ModuleSearchIn ModuleDescription ModuleEcomNotInstalledAccess ModuleEcomStandardAccess ModuleEcomExtendedAccess ModuleIsBeta ModuleEcomLightAccess ModuleLightMicro15Access ModuleLightMicro30Access ModuleParagraphEditPath ModuleDefaultPermissions ModuleLightExpressAccess ModuleLightFreeAccess ModuleDeprecated
156 Searchv1 Søg, vægtet 1 0 NULL 0 0 1 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL 0 NULL Ønsker en bruger, at finde et specifikt område på din webside, kan de med Søg let finde det ønskede. NULL 0 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0  

Now this is ugly :-)

Jeroen Elias

This issue is solved.
It seemed all had to do with misconfigured 404 handling, both in IIS and in DW.
There was no 404 page defined in the backend and no 404 page created in the website.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hm, seems right.

You need to make the solution available online so we can debug it....

Thanks, Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Ah, ok - glad you solved it!

Jeroen Elias

It appears to be fixed by editing a list-template of a Global Element and saving it (without even changing anything inside).
This happened also in the Extranet/Intranet (Extended) module.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Could be files that are not UTF-8 or something. Editing them will convert to UTF-8 i Think...

Jeroen Elias

This sounds like I have to do this to all the templates?


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