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search through product catalog

Ton Martens


(front-end) searching through product catalog:

- Capitalized search words are not found : "Bloemkool" is not found, "bloemkool" is found. Both "Bloemkool" and "bloemkool" exist in the products;

- Problem with charachters with accents: "paté" should return the same results as "pate"

Maybe I'm missing something in the search configuration?







Oleg Rodionov

Hi Ton,

I've tested solution based on DW831, deployed on MS Windows Server 2008 R2 and uses MS SQL Server 2008 as follows:

1. Enable Search Weighted  module in the solution;

2. Create several products have the words mentioned above within name and text custom field(s);

3. Set the module paragraph settings up to enable search in eCommerce (section 'Search in' and corresponding options at section 'Settings-Product catalog (eCom)' as per,  other module settings are left by default );

4. Perform the module frontend and try to search each of the words - appropriate product(s) can be found correctly (PASS)  

BR, Oleg QA


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