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Search suggestions for the new index

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I remmeber in the old indes there was a set of tags available for spelling suggestions (see below). Are they available for the new index as well? I believe they were based on some Spell Checker module in Lucene.


Template tag Description
Ecom:Search.HasSpellingCorrections Indicates whether search phrase is misspelled.
Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrections Spelling corrections loop.
  Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.OriginalPhrase Original search phrase.
  Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.CorrectedPhrase Corrected search phrase.
  Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keywords Loop containing keywords for a given spelling correction.
    Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keyword.Index Zero-based index of the keyword within the phrase.
    Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keyword.Text Keyword text.
    Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsFirst Indicates whether this is a first keyword within the phrase.
    Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsLast Indicates whether this is a last keyword within the phrase.
    Ecom:Search.SpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsCorrected Indicates whether this is either corrected or original keyword.
Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.OriginalPhrase Original search phrase.
Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.CorrectedPhrase Corrected search phrase.
Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keywords Loop containing keywords for a given spelling correction.
  Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keyword.Index Zero-based index of the keyword within the phrase.
  Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keyword.Text Keyword text.
  Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsFirst Indicates whether this is a first keyword within the phrase.
  Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsLast Indicates whether this is a last keyword within the phrase.
    Ecom:Search.BestSpellingCorrection.Keyword.IsCorrected Indicates whether this is either corrected or original keyword.




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

They are based on SpellChecker.Net and not Lucene. They are not available in the new indexing engine.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

Ok. Thank you


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