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RSS Module frontend rendering

Aditya Bante

Hi I'm using RSS module to show news freed from DR. I am using a razor template for item layout which contains this code
<div class="rss-feed-container col-lg-12">
    <div id="rss-content">

the problem is when it render a feed on frontend
1. for each news title it renders it's own Div, UL and li tags? why cant I get all the news titles inside one li tag ? same as template?
2. Why does it reders rss content inside a <table>(see attached PNG) when there is no table tag used in template? 

Please help if anyone had the same issue or know how i can fix it. Cheers. 

Best Regards
Aditya Bante



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Aditya

This module is so old that it does not use loops. Therefore there are 2 templates - one for the outer of the list and one for each item in the list. The template you have shown is the one for each item in the list. Locate the other one and let that have the div tag and remove the table from that one as well.

If you only have one template selector, the outer template will be named {NameOfYourTemplate}List.html

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Aditya Bante

It works :) . Thanks Nicolai




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