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Roadmap Translations

Aki Ruuskanen
Aki Ruuskanen


A question for the DW guys.

I am just wondering if there are any kind of development/improvment planned for the Translation-functionality. Like in the editing of values, searching, import/export. 

I am asking because we have some talks with a customer about a number of things about the translation and would not want to develop anything that maybe is in the pipeline. 

Regards / AKI



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Aki

We have nothing in the pipeline except the translations will be available for reading through the webapi v. 0.7.

The UI is being redsigned for DW10, so if you have any good ideas and pains, we will be glad to learn about them so we can take it into consideration for that development.

Thanks, Nicolai

Aki Ruuskanen
Aki Ruuskanen


OK, thanks. 

I can put toghether something from the input we got from the customer.


Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


Since we're asking... :)


Grouping keys (just from the UI point of view and ensuring all keys are still unique) would be great to help provide some context. Other CMS allow a key to be created/placed as a child translation of another key.


It may also help the UI load the growing list of keys we have for a website, which at some point take a long time to load.


This allows us to help group keys in something that will help customers manage a long list of keys and/or context. Some dummy keys can even be created just to help with that. i.e.


  • Ecommerce
    • Add to cart
    • ...
  • Shopping Cart
    • Proceed
    • Pay
    • Order Summary
    • ...
  • Paging
    • Next page
    • Previous page
    • Go to first
    • Go to last


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Aki Ruuskanen
Aki Ruuskanen

I agree, grouping keys was one the things we also dicussed. yes


Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar



Well... how about implementing a Translation Provider, which could then be used for Translations, Ecommerce fields, Item fields...

  • Eligile for all translation keys
  • Only available in Ecommerce/PIM for fields that are different per translation
  • Only visible in Pages and Paragraph fields when in a language version


In terms of the UI (and behavior) I am not suggesting an automatic translation, but having an icon the user could click to translate (since we'll know both languages and the original text).


Being provider based it could be Google Translate or Microsoft Translate or any other API out there. It would add some value to the platform, since I've been hearing this sort of request for years.




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