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Rich Text Item Type Field Error

Jeppe Jakobsen

Hello everyone

I've got three dynamicweb custom solutions running on the same IIS server, which all uses the same virtual admin folder ( In the admin panel i've crated some items that uses rich text fields which work fine on the first two sites, but for some reason not on the last one.

When inspecting the html where the editing tool is supposed to be i can see the value of the field, and even edit it if i remove the css rule "visibility:hidden". As far as i can deduct myself, it seems like there's a javascript error that causes the editing tool to not initialize.

It's strange because i cannot find anything that is setup differently on this site, compared to the other two sites.

Any suggestions on how to solve this would be very much appreciated.

Best regards, Jeppe.





Jeppe Jakobsen

Solved it.

By changing the configuration file in "Editorkonfiguration" from "System/Editor/ckeditor/config/default.js" to "~/developer.js". 

Nicolai Pedersen

ok - you might not have had that original config file in this solution?

Jeppe Jakobsen

The file is present on the path across all three solutions, so it wasn't missing.


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