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Restric login to a specific user group

Gaetan Di Caro


On the same solution I have 2 different websites with their specific pool of users each (2 different user groups). However when I try to login with a user from Website B into Website A, the login succeeds : I can't access the content of Website A because the permissions are set to the right user group, but I stay on the login page (without errors) and I can see that the header has changed with my user info (as normally happens when you log in).

So my question is : is there a way, on the template or in the configuration, to specify that only users from a particular group can log in ?

Thank you !


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You cannot limit to specific groups.

But after login on the login page, you can test on the Global:Page.IsCurrentUserAllowed tag - if it is true and the user is logged in but does not have access and you can log them off or  show a message.


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