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Repository index build setting?

Thomas Larsen

What is the purpose of the build settings on the repository index?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

You can pass a key value collection of settings to the builder. Which settings depends on the builder. This should maybe have been a configurable add-in like checkout handlers.

Using the product index builder, you can add these 2 settings:

BulkSize: 500

MaxProductsToIndex: 1000

BulkSize defines how many products are added to the index at a time - so it limits how many products are queried from the database per bulk. Default is 500

MaxProductsToIndex is, yeah, how many products you want to index. Used for debugging on large databases. If you have 500.000 products and want to test different index setups, it can be an idea to index i.e. 1000 products instead of 500.000 so you do not have to wait. Default is Integer.MaxValue

BR Nicolai

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