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Redirect first page to "/"

Rene Poulsen


I usually use the Redirect first page to "/" on websites. But it does not always work. When going to /default.aspx?id=1 (1 is the ID of the first page) it works fine - I get redirectet to /. When going to just /default.aspx it does not work - I don't get redirected to anything. The solution is on


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi René

Yes I am aware of that problem. The issue is, that on the server using .NET it is not possible to see if your access or - there is no way we can tell the difference in code. The reason is that Default.aspx is default document, and there is no information in the headers telling the difference...

Rene Poulsen

Hi Nicolai,

So there's absolutely no way of getting around this as things are now?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I've not been able to find it. You can probably do it with JS. It is only a 'beauty' thing - i.e. it is not Duplicate Content...

Rene Poulsen

I know there's a lot of opinions on duplicate content, byt why is this not duplicate content? There are two urls with the exact same content.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi René

Duplicate content is when you have 2 pages with (more or less) the same content. It is not when one page has 2 URLs. There is a BIG difference. Also just a couple of pages with the same content is not DC., see attachment.

Duplicate content is not a nazi black and white issue - so having default.aspx and / witht the same content is not a problem. If it is, I would like a proof. Having a footer with the same content is a bigger issue...

Google indexes content - content has URLs. Google does not index URLs and find the content on those URLs. Again, a big difference.

On the first page, on page properties, you can add a canonical pointing to "/" - then Google knows which of the 2 URLs to show in its search results.



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