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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Social Media Publishing - post to company page?

RE: Social Media Publishing - post to company page?

Christian Royal


The problem is the Social Media Publisher posts to my Facebook devoloper profile, and not the Facebook company page?   

How can I choose which Facebook Page the Facebook app must publish to?



I need to publish news from our website to our Facebook test page 'Innovisio Test Company' via Social Media Publishing (SMP).

I manage the 'Innovisio Test Comapny' Facebook page via my personal profile. 

The app is setup as described in the DW manual.

But when i publish content on Facebook via SMP it shows up on my personal profile, and not the 'Innovisio Test Company" Facebook page?

How can i fix this?


Kind regards

Christian Royal


Merethe Nielsen


What Facebook account are you using when you authorize Facebook in DW?

Maybe you where logged in with your personal Facebook account in the current browser when you authorized the account in DW?

Go to Facebook - Settings and remove the social media publishing app:

Go to DW admin and authorize the app - and use the credentials for your company Facebook account.


Kind regards,

Christian Royal


When i try to authorize (logged into the company Facebook page) it tells me to change to my personal Facebook profile.See attached.

If I make a company account/profile and authorize - i guess the post will end on this profiles wall instead.

I need to publish to a page - not a profile. The question is - Where do I publish to a company page i manage (not a company profile/account)?

Fx. in wordpress you need tol tell which page you want to publish to:  (step 3)


Kind regards

Christian Royal

Merethe Nielsen


It posts to the wall that belongs to the authroized user. In DW you don't have a field for a specific URL on Facebook so you are not able to control what page you publish to in the current DW releases.

I have created a feature request for this: number 15476.

Kind regards,


Christian Royal

Hvornår tager i fat på nævnte feature request?

Endvidere, hvad er DW’s intentioner med modulet i et forretningsmæssigt sammenhæng?



Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hej Christian,

Vi er i gang med at "lukke" vores 8.6 release i forhold til indhold, og denne er med i puljen som vi vurderer. Jeg går ud fra, at jeg i løbet af en to ugers tid kan fortælle dig, om den kommer med i 8.6 eller ej. 


Christian Royal

Hej Asger,


Hvad forslår I at vi siger til kunden som har købt en All-in-one på baggrund af modulet?

Er stadig interesseret i at høre hvad intentionen med modulet er fra DW's side?



Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Lad os prøve at tage den på telefon - jeg giver dig et kald i løbet af dagen. 


Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Christian

The feature request "Facebook URL field in settings" #15476 has now been implemented in version

You should be able to download this version now from developer site download section:

Also this version will be available on all HN servers shortly

If you need any help upgrading to this version please contact support through the case system.

Kind Regards

Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Christian Royal

Hi Kristian,

Specifying which Facebook URL you want to post to is working OK.

But how do you get the post on the wall?

The post shows up on 'Opslag på side', and not on the wall (see attached).

And still, it is the app-developer profile (account) that shows up as the sender - should be the company?

Best regards

Christian Royal



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